About the company “Teplostroy” LLC

Lim­it­ed Lia­bil­i­ty Com­pa­ny “Teplostroy” has been oper­at­ing in the indus­tri­al con­struc­tion mar­ket of Cen­tral Asia and Kaza­khstan since 2007. The main activ­i­ty of the enter­prise is the con­struc­tion and repair of indus­tri­al heat­ing units, to pro­tect the units with chem­i­cal­ly resis­tant mate­ri­als. Our com­pa­ny owns per­pet­u­al licens­es for con­struc­tion and instal­la­tion works and for the right to car­ry out lin­ing and lin­ing works.

In the peri­od from 2007 to 2022, Teplostroy LLC suc­cess­ful­ly com­plet­ed a num­ber of works on the con­struc­tion and repair of heat­ing units with replace­ment of fur­nace lin­ing and lin­ing of steam boil­ers, cor­ro­sion protection:

• Repairs of the glass-melt­ing fur­nace of the “Rib­bon” process at the Mal­isay lamp plant “MS LZ” in 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021.
• Repairs of glass fur­naces No. 1 and No. 2 of the SAF Glass Com­pa­ny, Almaty in 2009, 2010, 2016.
• Repair of a glass-melt­ing fur­nace of Dva Soyuz LLC, Kara-Bala in 2010.
• Cur­rent hot repairs of a glass-melt­ing fur­nace with a capac­i­ty of 600 tons / day at Inter­glass LLC in the peri­ods 2007–2008, 2012–2013, 2016–2018.
• Repairs of glass fur­naces No. 1 and No. 2 LLP “Mea Prop­er­ties”, Almaty in 2018
• Repairs of the glass fur­nace of Almaty Stek­lo LLP, Almaty in 2018, 2020.
• Lin­ing of flu­idized bed fur­naces No. 3 and No. 4 for roast­ing zinc con­cen­trate at KazZ­inc LLP in Rid­der, Repub­lic of Kaza­khstan in 2011 and 2015.
• Lin­ing of induc­tion smelt­ing fur­naces for smelt­ing zinc at KazZ­inc LLP in Rid­der, Repub­lic of Kaza­khstan in 2011 and 2015.
• Repair of glass tem­per­ing fur­nace at Inter­glass-Stroy LLC, 2013
• Repair of the lin­ing of the coal-fired boil­er DKVR 10/13 of the boil­er house of Chu, Repub­lic of Kaza­khstan in 2011.
• Repair of the oil heat­ing fur­nace at the Kant enter­prise for the pro­cess­ing of auto­mo­bile tires, 2016.
• Lin­ing of coal boil­er NRK-8000 at Kyr­gyzKonyagy LLC 2013, 2020, 2021.
• Refur­bish­ment of the lin­ing of two DKVR 6.5 / 13 gas-oil boil­ers at Petrol Chi­na Com­pa­ny LLC Jun­da 2017
• Repair of lin­ing of a coal boil­er for heat­ing oil DKVR 4.5 / 13 at Isa Prak­tik LLC, set­tle­ment Serny Jal­abad region 2018, 2021
• Repair of the lin­ing of a coal-fired boil­er type DKVR 6 / 12.5 at Shin Line LLC s. Ala­mudun Chui region 2019, 2020
• Lin­ing of a rotary kiln for cal­cin­ing lime with a length of 36 meters in the vil­lage of Novo-Pokrov­ka, Chui region, 2014.
• Lin­ing of an ore-ther­mal fur­nace for the pro­duc­tion of fer­rosil­i­coa­lu­minum with a capac­i­ty of 12.5 mW, in the city of Tashkumyr, Jal­abad region, 2015
• Lin­ing of the elec­tric heat­ing fur­nace of the LLC “Sev­er­stal” set­tle­ment. Kemin, Chui region 2015
• Lin­ing of an elec­tric heat­ing fur­nace in the city of Kant, Chui region, 2016
• Lin­ing of the flu­idized bed fur­nace for the pro­cess­ing of coal fines for the pri­vate enter­prise Usub­aliev K.S. at the Kum­tor mine 2017
• Lin­ing of a dry­ing drum for prepa­ra­tion for pro­cess­ing of fine coal for pri­vate enter­prise Usub­aliev K.S. at the Kum­tor mine 2017
• Con­struc­tion of an air heat­ing fur­nace for cal­cin­ing gyp­sum at Isa Prak­tik LLC, set­tle­ment Serny Jal­abad region 2017
• Con­struc­tion of an air heat­ing fur­nace for cal­cin­ing gyp­sum at Isa Prak­tik LLC, Kyzyl Kiya, 2019.
• Con­struc­tion of three flu­idized bed fur­naces for the pro­cess­ing of coal fines for the pri­vate enter­prise Usub­aliev K.S. at the Kum­tor mine in 2020
• Con­struc­tion of an air heat­ing fur­nace for cal­cin­ing gyp­sum at Isa Prak­tik LLC, set­tle­ment Serny Jal­abad region 2020
• Con­struc­tion of two heat­ing fur­naces for heat­ing met­al bil­lets for rolled met­al prod­ucts LLC MPZ Frun­ze 2020.
• Lin­ing of the oil heat­ing fur­nace at the refin­ery LLC BIOPROM, Tokmok, Chui region. indus­tri­al zone, 2020
• Over­haul of glass-mak­ing fur­nace No. 1, with a capac­i­ty of 120 tons / day at QAZAQ GLASS COMPANY LLP in Almaty region, Ili dis­trict, Kazt­sikovsky SO, s. Kazt­sik, Indus­tri­al zone 33, 2020–2021
• Lin­ing of floors with acid-resis­tant bricks at KazZ­inc LLP in the town of Rid­der, Ust-Kamenogorsk region of the Repub­lic of Kaza­khstan with a total area of ​​more than 1200 M2 2021.
• Lin­ing of a mono­hy­drate absorber with acid-resis­tant bricks at KazZ­inc LLP in the town of Rid­der, Ust-Kamenogorsk region of the Repub­lic of Kaza­khstan in 2021.
• Lin­ing of the acid col­lec­tor with acid-resis­tant bricks at KazZ­inc LLP in the town of Rid­der, Ust-Kamenogorsk region of the Repub­lic of Kaza­khstan, 2021.
• Fur­nace lin­ing for per­lite swelling at Union Per­lite LLP, Almaty region. Kap­sha­gai, s. Arna indus­tri­al zone 2021

Our com­pa­ny employs spe­cial­ists with vast expe­ri­ence in the con­struc­tion and repair of heat­ing units and the pro­tec­tion of units and indus­tri­al build­ings from corrosion.

The spe­cial­ists of our com­pa­ny are ready pro­fes­sion­al­ly, with a qual­i­ty guar­an­tee, as soon as pos­si­ble, on mutu­al­ly ben­e­fi­cial terms:

• to car­ry out work on the lin­ing of fur­naces and chim­neys, lin­ing of pow­er, steam and hot water boil­ers at your enterprise;
• to car­ry out work on pro­tec­tion against cor­ro­sion (gum­ming works, lin­ing with acid-resis­tant bricks ITD);
• to revise the project, select and sup­ply the most suit­able refrac­to­ry and acid-resis­tant materials.

The direc­tor of Teplostroy LLC is direc­tor Alexan­der Alexan­drovich Piskarev.